I just bought a new laptop. Sadly, it doesn’t have the keys Home or End, keys I use all the time while writing code. It’s the kind of feature that’s annoying, but not enough to make me not buy the laptop. Here’s how I get back the functionality I need.

1. Install AutoHotkey

AutoHotkey is a program for writing macros in Windows, letting you bind an action to a key event. This is precisely what we want, since it allows us to bind keys to the Home and End buttons.

2. Script the Keys

Here’s the script I wrote to emulate the most common actions I do that use the Home and End keys:

; END Key Emulation
SendInput {End}

SendInput +{End}

SendInput ^{End}

SendInput ^+{End}

; HOME key emulation
SendInput {Home}

SendInput +{Home}

SendInput ^{Home}

SendInput ^+{Home}

Copy this into your AutoHotkey.ahk, the default script.


This scripts the Alt+\ button (alt + backslash) to the End key and the Alt+' button to the Home key. It also covers key combinations such as Ctrl+Home\End or Shift+Home\End. These are quite useful commands for moving to the beginning/end of an entire document or to select till the beginning/end of the line. I use the commands all the time while programming in Sublime Text, and I hope they can help others.